论文题目 |
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所有作者 |
发表/出版时间 |
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Rolling Element Bearing Fault Diagnosis Using Improved Manifold Learning |
姚贝贝 |
姚贝贝(外),彭珍 |
2017-06-01 |
IEEE Access |
SCIE,国际期刊 |
Low Carbon Economy Performance Analysis with the Intertemporal Effect of Capital in China |
赵欣娜 |
仲崇文 |
赵欣娜,仲崇文 |
2017-05-17 |
Sustainability |
SSCI,SCIE,国际期刊 |
Simulation of Thermal Distribution and Airflow for Efficient Energy Consumption in a small data center |
倪静 |
倪静 |
倪静,靳博文(外),张博(学),王晓伟 |
2017-04-03 |
sustainability |
SCIE,SSCI,国际期刊 |
Fault Diagnosis from Raw Sensor Data Using Deep Neural Networks Considering Temporal Coherence |
张然 |
张然(外),彭珍 |
2017-03-09 |
Sensors |
SCIE,国际期刊 |
A knowledge management framework for effective integration of national archives resources in China |
Xiaomi An |
Xiaomi An(外),Wenlin Bai(外),Hepu Deng(外),Shuyang Sun(外),Wenrui Zhong(外),董宇 |
2017-01-04 |
journal of documentation |
SSCI,国际期刊 |
Managerial power, agency cost and executive compensation--an empirical study from China |
张小红 |
张小红 |
张小红,唐高文(硕),林肇宏(外) |
2016-02-22 |
chinese management studies |
SSCI,国际期刊 |
Research on Steady States of Fuzzy Cognitive Map and its Application in Three-Rivers Ecosystem |
彭珍 |
彭珍 |
2016-01-04 |
sustainability |
SSCI,SCIE,国际期刊 |
A comprehensive concept map for adequate protection and effective management of personal information in networked Chinese services |
Xiaomi An |
Xiaomi An(外),Wenlin Bai(外),Hepu Deng(外),Shuyang Sun(外),董宇,Wenrui Zhong(外),Jufang Hu(外) |
2015-12-20 |
The Electronic Library |
SCIE,SSCI,国际期刊 |
NHL and RCGA based Multi-Relational Fuzzy Cognitive Map Modeling for Complex System |
彭珍 |
彭珍 |
2015-11-27 |
Applied Sciences |
SCIE,网络期刊,国际期刊 |
Research on FCM and NHL Based High Order Mining Driven by Big Data |
彭珍 |
彭珍 |
2015-11-27 |
Applied Sciences |
SCIE,国际期刊 |
The Impact of Employees' Relationships on Tacit Knowledge Sharing |
张小红 |
张小红 |
张小红,龙成凤(外),王彦博(本),唐高文(硕) |
2015-10-01 |
chinese management studies |
SSCI,国际期刊 |
Review and Assessment of Chinese Energy Policy Since the Reform and Opening Up |
王伯安 |
李建华 |
王伯安,李建华 |
2014-09-01 |
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade |
SSCI,国际期刊 |
Effect of operating parameters on sulfide biotransformation to sulfur |
刘卫国 |
梁存珍 |
刘卫国,梁存珍 |
2013-12-01 |
SCIE,中国科技论文统计源期刊(中信所) |
Continuous-time evolutionary stock and bond markets |
杨招军 |
杨招军(外),石峰 |
2012-01-13 |
African Journal of Business Management |
SSCI,国际期刊 |
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