发布日期:2015-06-05 文章编辑:admin 浏览次数:
主 题:华夏之崛起??给中国与世界带来怎样的变革
(The Rise of China: How has that transformed China and the world)
主讲人:Baher Ghosheh(美国宾夕法尼亚州爱丁堡大学终身教授、哲学博士、杰斐逊教育协会主席)
时 间:2015年6月9日11:00?13:30
地 点:主楼第六会议室(1号楼1508-2室)
主 办:教师发展中心、思想政治教育中心
附件2: 主讲人简介
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职称/职务 |
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备注 |
Name: Baher Ghosheh
Rank/Administrative Title: Professor of Geography
Campus Address: 243 Cooper Hall
Doctor of Philosophy May 1988
Geography/Comparative Economic Development
Dissertation:A Comparative Study of Japanese and Arab Economic Development
Research conducted in Japan and the US.
MA Geography May 1985
Concentration in Economic, Political and Cultural Geography
Graduate Certificate International Trade May 1985
Thesis: The Ten Most Promising Country-Markets for American Products and Services
MA Political Science September 1984
Concentration in International Relations/Middle Eastern Studies
Master's Project: The Soviet Involvement in the Middle East
BA Political Science May 1982
State University of New York at Buffalo
1996-Present Professor: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA 16444
Developed and taught courses in world, cultural, economic, political and regional Geography courses (Europe, Russia and CIS, Africa, Asia, Middle East, China).
Spring 2005 Visiting Professor
Shandong University of Technology, Shandong, PR of China
1996-1997 Professor
Miyazaki International College JAPAN(While on leave from Edinboro Univ.)
Taught courses in comparative economic development, international business
and regional courses focusing on the Middle East and Japan
Administrative Responsibilities: Coordinator of Content-Faculty
(Chair of the content faculty--Economics, History, Anthropology, Sociology,
Psychology, Political Science, Religion, Philosophy, Arts and Literature)
1990-1996 Associate Professor: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
1990-1993 International Student Advisor: Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
1/1989-6/1990 Assistant Professor of Geography/International Studies
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
9/85-12/88 Lecturer: SUNY @ Buffalo Amherst, NY
Jamestown Community College Olean, NY
Developed and taught courses in political science, international trade and cross-cultural studies.
8/88-12/89 Coordinator of Arabic Language Program
Center for Critical Languages, SUNY @ Buffalo
Developed and taught Arabic language courses; Hired, trained, and supervised
Language tutors.
5/85-8/85 Consultant: Department of Education, State of New York
Dresser IndustriesJamestown, NY
8/83-8/87 Co-Director: International College /University Housing SUNY @ Buffalo