姓 名 | 马磊 | |
职 称 | 讲师 硕士生导师 | |
学历(学位) | 研究生(工学博士) | |
部门及职务 | 新材料与化工学院 基础化学教学实验中心 | |
办公电话 |
| |
邮 箱 | 0020160009@bipt.edu.cn | |
办公地址 |
[1] 2018年北京市优秀人才培养资助(青年骨干项目)研究计划,催化臭氧氧化用Pd 掺杂LaFeO3 智能型催化剂反应机制与稳定性研究。
[3]2019年山东省水环境污染控制与资源化重点实验室开放课题, 催化臭氧氧化用Pd掺杂LaFeO3智能型催化剂反应机制探究。
[4] 企业合作项目 电化学氧化处理焦化废水生化出水的试验研究。
[5] 企业合作项目 焦化废水水质检测、催化剂表征及中试处理工艺设计方案。
[6] 企业合作项目 焦化废水电臭氧工艺开发。
[7] 企业合作项目 高级氧化法处理焦化废水的实验室研究。
[8] 企业合作项目 生物质气化废水处理预探索实验研究。
[1] Ma Lei, Sun Chenglin, Ren Jian, Wei Huangzhao, Liu Peijuan, Efficient electrochemical incineration of phenol on activated carbon fiber as a new type of particulates, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2014, 50(6): 569-578.
[2] Ma Lei, Yu Bo, Yu Yonghui, Li Jingmei, Ren Jian, Wei Huangzhao, Sun Chenglin, Indirect electrochemical oxidation of pentachlorophenol in the presence of different halides: behavior and mechanism, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52(7-9): 1462-1471.
[3] Ma Lei, Zhao Shifen, Shi Lei, Industrial metabolism of chlorine in a chemical industrial park: the Chinese case, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(5): 4367-4376.
[4] Yang Yi, Lan Qianzi, Liu Peijuan, Ma Lei*, Insurance as a market mechanism in managing regional environmental and safety risks, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 124: 62-67.
[5] Ma Lei, Chen Zhuo, Xu Chunhua, Li Fengmin, Jin Haibo, Shi Lei, Hu Hong-Ying, Water Meta-cycle model and indicators for industrial processes- the pulp & paper case in China, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2018, 139: 228-236.
[6] Ma Lei, Jin Chengyu, An Luyang, Huang Long, Li Linjun, Jin Haibo, Liang Bo, Wei Huangzhao, Sun, Chenglin, Preliminary investigation of the degradation mechanism of o, m and p-cresol using sludge-derived carbon nanosheets by catalytic oxidation based on quantum chemistry, Catalysis Communication, 2019, 120: 59-65.
[7] Han Ruru, Zhou Beihai, An Luyang, Jin Haibo, Ma Lei*(通讯作者), Li Nan, Xu Ming, Li Linjun, Quantitative assessment of enterprise environmental risk mitigation in the context of Na-tech disasters, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019(4):210-218.
[8] Kong Lingtong, Ma Lei*(通讯作者), Jin Haibo, Hou Jing, He Guangxiang, Zhang Rongyue, Synthesis of a novel oil‐absorption resin and optimization of its performance parameters using response surface design, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2019(6): 1441–1452.
[9] Yu Li, Han Peiwei, Jin Haibo, Wei Huangzhao, Liu Weijun, Ma Lei*(通讯作者), Xu Chunhua, Catalytic ozonation of three isomeric cresols in the presence of NaCl with nano-mesoporous β-molecular sieves, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019: 63-73.
[10] Chengyu Jin, Lei Ma(共同一作), Wenjing Sun, Peiwei Han, Xiangdong Tan, Huiling Wu, Mengyang Liu, Haibo Jin, Zhong-Shuai Wu, Huangzhao Wei, and Chenglin Sun, Single-Atom Nickel Confined Nanotube Superstructure as Support for Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Acetic Acid, Communications Chemistry, Accepted.
[11] Xiangdong Tan, Lei Ma(共同一作), Peiwei Han, Huangzhao Wei, Qiuping Wei, Chenglin Sun,Fabrication of boron-doped diamond films electrode for efficient electrocatalytic oxidation degradation of cresols, Chemosphere, Accepted.